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In Memoriam Horst Wittur

I have some sad news to share with you today: Following a serious illness, Horst Wittur passed away on 6 February 2010, at the age of 67.
He will be mourned not only by his family but by everyone who knew him, who experienced him and who worked with him. His entire life centred around building up and developing his company into a world market leader in lift components. Horst Wittur was an entrepreneur with all his heart, with a positive, forward-looking mindset and the courage to take risks and hereby experienced the full range of heights and depths over a period of nearly four decades. His expertise, creativity and untiring commitment enabled him to build up a globally renowned company that bears his name. This has earned him appreciation among colleagues and staff and recognition in the lift construction sector.
We are now saying farewell to a great personality in the business world - someone to whom all of us are greatly indebted. Horst Wittur will therefore be fixed in our minds and will always be remembered with great respect.
On behalf of the EMB,
Stephan Rojahn
Wiedenzhausen, 9 February 2010