Together over 100 years of experience, technical knowledge and high quality standards - reason enough for the two managing directors Klaus Gerhards (GF Wittur GmbH) and Urs Affolter (GF LM Liftmaterial GmbH) to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Wittur in Germany together.
Antoine Doutriaux (CEO of the Wittur Group), Christoph Kaml (CFO of the Wittur Group), Geoffroy Durandet (Managing Director Europe) and Ahmet Kanbolat (Managing Director Euroasia and Systems) gave the guests a hearty welcome.
Antoine Doutriaux (CEO of the Wittur Group), Christoph Kaml (CFO of the Wittur Group), Geoffroy Durandet (Managing Director Europe) and Ahmet Kanbolat (Managing Director Euroasia and Systems) gave the guests a hearty welcome.
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