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They have been selected from different functions in different locations and have been interviewed via the stakeholder materiality survey.

Representative groups of employees have been determined to include blue collar employees, white collar employees, employee representatives and managers.


They were requested to answer a survey and their responses have been consolidated.

Survey questions had been customized to each focus group based on their possible interest in sustainability.


They also replied to the stakeholder materiality survey.

WITTUR aims to increase contribution of stakeholders to these surveys in the upcoming reporting periods.


Key customers’ views have been collected via surveys and interviews.

They have been selected based on their contribution to the gross profit of WITTUR. With this method, all key customers that share the same sustainability ambitions with WITTUR have been included in the stakeholder materiality analyses.

Materiality Results

Check out the 2021 results


Main Policy and Current Actions

Material topics are identified according to the results of stakeholder materiality assessment.Stakeholders have assessed the topics in all reporting boundary, all items have been evaluated in all boundary. Strategy definitions are global; however, impacts of material topics are felt at local level for each site.