Ideale per nuove installazioni e modernizzazioni
Meccanismo dritto sotto
Porta di piano tonda
Meccanismo per porta di piano
Porte per ascensori di residenze private
La porta per ascensori High Rise
Standard and custom entrances in a large variety of shapes, materials and finishes
Veloce, silenziosa ed affidabile
Ora conforme alla norma EN 81-20/50
Operatore dritto sotto
Esecuzione tonda con motorizzazione a cinghia
Operatore per porta di cabina
Motorizzazioni porte ad elevata efficienza energetica
Completa la tua porta
Soluzioni panoramiche che fanno di ogni ascensore un'esperienza.
Limitatore di velocità per impianti a velocità medio-alta
Per impianti ad alta velocità
Tenditore funi compatto per ascensori
Unidirectional progressive safety gear for mid and high rise applications
Paracadute progressivi
Paracadute istantaneo per impianti di grande portata
Paracadute unidirezionale progressivo per impianti di media portata
Paracadute unidirezionale progressivo per media velocità
Paracadute unidirezionale progressivo per velocità elevata
Paracadute progressivo unidirezionale per impianti ad alta portata
Per ascensori con velocità media e alta
Per ascensori a medio traffico.
Compact Gearless Machine for MR and MRL Applications
Argano gearless sincrono
Argano gearless sincrono a trazione
Gearless synchronous traction machines. Mid- and High-Rise applications
Gearless synchronous traction machines. Mid- and High-Rise applications;
The Wittur calculation tool
Tailor made solutions for your project
Find modernization solutions by manufacturer and/or model.
Wittur was founded in 1968 in Miesberg near Munich (Germany), and...
Horst Wittur found Wittur-Aufzugteile GmbH in Miesberg & Co. near Munich (Germany).
Start of production activities in Italy.
Opening of sales office in the Netherlands.
Start of production activities in Spain.
Opening of sales office in France.
Opening of sales office in Australia.
in Wiedenzhausen, near Munich (Germany).
Start of production activities in Turkey.
Opening of sales office in Hong Kong.
Start of production activities in China.
Opening of sales office in United Kingdom.
Start of production activities in Dresden.
Start of production activities in Argentina and Austria.
Opening of sales office in Poland.
Opening of sales office in Sweden and Singapore.
Cerberus, Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse acquire Wittur Group
Start of production activities in Slovakia.
Start of production activities in India.
Triton and Capvis acquire ownership of Wittur Group from Cerberus, Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse
Start of production activities in Brazil.
Funds managed by Bain Capital acquire Wittur Group from Triton/Capvis
in Italy, Mexico, China and Hungary.
sales and service center in Twinsburg (USA).
PSP Investments acquires a 32% stake in a parent company of Wittur International Holding GmbH from a company controlled by Bain Capital Private Equity