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June 12th, 2020

Wittur Webinar: "We drive the elevating power"

On June 12th 2020, Jens Martin, Gearless Drives Product Manager, presented: "We drive the elevating power: an overview on Wittur gearless drives with a focus on modernization".

It's time to attend the 4th Wittur Acacemy Webinar.

This time we talked about Wittur Gearless Drives portfolio and thanks to our technical experts, customers had the opportunity to learn more about this peculiar topic. 

On June 12th 2020, Jens Martin, Gearless Drives Product Manager, presented: "We drive the elevating power: an overview on Wittur gearless drives with a focus on modernization".

Wittur is able to provide the right gearless solution for each and every need; our portfolio includes energy - efficient drives suitable to be employed from residential to high-rise projects. Wittur developed also a patented solution especially suitable for modernizations: the WGG-29 drive with split housing. 

During the Q&A session, the attendees had the opportunity to ask questions live also to Steffen Mann, Head of Drives Development Department.

#WitturAcademy #OneWittur #WitturWebinar #GearlessDrives #Modernization #EnergyEfficiency