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Heilbronn, March 5th-6th, 2013

Heilbronner Aufzugstage 30th Anniversary

The 30th anniversary edition of Heilbronner Aufzugstage have taken place on March 5th-6th 2013 in Heilbronn. The topic of this year was Electronics in the lift industry and it was appropriately chosen as this was also the topic of the first 1st Heilbronner Aufzugstage conference of 30 years ago. 295 participants from 8 countries attended the two days forum and the related exhibition area.
Wolfgang Adldinger from Wittur presented a speech about “Coming soon : Lifts according to Machine Directive 2006/42/EC”
The paper described in detail the Machine Directive features, the market trends and the application of these features of Wittur products such as HHL W Line home lift.