Ideal for new installations and modernizations
Puertas rectas con mecanismo abajo
Puerta redonda
Mecanismo de puertas de piso
Puertas para ascensores de residencias privadas
Puertas para edificios de gran altura
Standard and custom entrances in a large variety of shapes, materials and finishes
Puerta redonda con motorización de cinta
Operador para puerta de cabina
Accionamientos de puertas de alta eficiencia energética
Edificios de gran altura
Transparent solutions to enhance elevator experience
Limitador para velocidades de gama media
Limitador para sala de máquinas y aplicaciones de gran altura.
Wittur Compact tension Weight
Unidirectional progressive safety gear for mid and high rise applications
Paracaídas progresivos
Paracaídas instantáneo para instalaciones de alto tráfico
Paracaídas progresivo unidireccional para velocidades medias
Paracaídas progresivo unidireccional para chasis de contrapeso
Paracaídas progresivo unidireccional para alta velocidad
Rodaderas para cabina y contrapeso para ascensores de alta y media velocidad
Deslizaderas de cabina y contrapeso para ascensores de velocidades medias
Compact Gearless Machine for MR and MRL Applications
Gearless synchronous traction machines. Flat design for MRL and MR solutions
Gearless synchronous traction machines. Intensive use lifts and health-care lifts
Gearless synchronous traction machines. Mid- and High-Rise applications
Gearless synchronous traction machines. Mid- and High-Rise applications;
Gearless synchronous traction machines. Patented split housing gearless for High-Rise mod
The Wittur calculation tool
Soluciones a medida para su proyecto
Find modernization solutions by manufacturer and/or model.
At Wittur, we see the Sustainable Supply Chain as an opportunity to inspire leadership, innovation, and disruptive change across all industries, meeting the needs of current and future generations.
Reduction in overall packaging weight and size to optimize transportation
Change of traditional manufacturing processes with greener alternatives
Improve DEI rate by 50%
Support development of local communities at 100% of Wittur sites
Increase recycled raw material use by 30%
Improve sustainable supply chain by 50%
Waste reduction by 50%
Increase all Wittur employee's awareness on sustainability via trainings on SDG's
Development of smart product solutions
Design of 100% sustainable, eco-friendly packages, made of recyclable materials
Reduce GHG emissions by 30%
Increase sourcing of renewable electricity by 20%
Eliminate workplace injuries by 75%
Sustain Zero health and safety impact of Wittur products