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Argentina, October 2022

Wittur Argentina: HSE Day Celebration

Wittur Argentina celebrated Safety, Health, and Environment Day and Metallurgical Day together with all its employees and organized five different activities intending to increase awareness on the topic.

In September HSE activities @ Wittur sped up. We are hearing Good news from all locations on activities regarding Health, Safety, and the Environment.

Wittur Argentina celebrated Safety, Health, and Environment Day and Metallurgical Day together with all its employees and organized five different activities intending to increase awareness on the topic.

Activity 1 Health Requires Healthy Food
Eating healthy food fills the body with energy and nutrients. Eating healthy in the professional environment is critical. The event aimed to increase awareness of the importance of healthy diets and forming good eating habits as well as taking care of their health. The research on healthy nutrients shows that an adult who takes nourishment correctly and has good habits reduces the risk of suffering certain alterations or diseases in the short and long term by 80%.

Activity 2 - Active Breaks
Active breaks are temporary breaks within the working day executed through physical and mental exercises to recover energy. A Series of activities helps to reduce work fatigue so that the body is not affected over time, running the risk of suffering possible work-related health problems or an occupational accident.

The main objective of active breaks is to promote workplace health and safety and consist of a short routine of basic and functional joint mobility, stretching, strengthening, and relaxation exercises during short breaks in the workday. Every break lasts between 5 and 15 minutes and helps to regain energy, and postural hypotension and reduces stress levels.

Activity 3 - Use Of Fire Extinguishers
The third activity mainly focused on increasing awareness of safety by motivating the team to work safely and providing information and training on the use of Fire Extinguishers. The fire station of Sarandí accompanied Wittur Mexico regarding the development of this activity and carried out fire protection training including practical exercises. 

Activity 4 CPR and Heimlich Maneuver Training
CPR and Heimlich Maneuver Training shaped by the fire station of Sarandí. These two techniques are one of the most crucial first-aid emergency techniques that everybody must know. They led and trained our colleagues on vital first-aid topics including practical exercises for adults and children.   

Activity 5 – Delicious End
What could be a better way to finish a long and busy day than a barbecue? At the end of the activities, our colleagues gathered together and enjoyed a delicious barbecue.