Wittur Tools
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Trading Leader

Mr. Klaus Gerhards

Wittur BV
Industrial De Vaart, Remmingweg 18
1332 BG

Almere, Netherlands

Tel: +31 36-549 55 70

e-mail: info.nl@wittur.com

Please refer to Tom Kempen: 

Please send quotation requests and order to : orders.nl@wittur.com

Please send complaints to: aftersales.nl@wittur.com

Area sales Luxembourg:

Alessandra Santi /  alessandra.santi@wittur.com / +32 (0) 484 51 99 73  

Please send complaints to:  aftersales.be@wittur.com

Please send quotation requests and order to : orders.be@wittur.com

Training Center
In our training center in Almere we can deliver theoretical and practical training. We can supply training at different levels, from basic to advanced. If you are interested, please contact us to request a quotation either by phone at +31 36 54 95 595 or by email at aftersales.nl@wittur.com

Some of the available training courses include:
  • Böhnke e Partner Controllers(117/306/308/408)
  • Wittur control packages (ARL 500 / Arcode)
  • Frequency inverter 3BF/4CA Ziehl Abegg/Adrive
  • Doors installation, Selcom
  • Doors maintenance, Selcom
  • Hydraulic drives, Omar Lift