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Supplier Code of Ethics Wittur Group

You, as a supply partner, are an integral part of this plan and therefore we would like to outline our key expectations of your organization in this regard as part of Wittur’s supply base:

Wittur remains by far as the global market leader of elevator components, offering our customers valuable solutions for their needs in terms of Engineering, Products and Services.
We envision this leadership founded on the highest standards of business ethics, respect for human rights and compliance with all regulatory norms and laws.
You as a supply partner are an integral part of this plan and therefore we would like to outline our key expectations to your organization in this field as part of Wittur’s supply base:
  1. You are expected to observe the principles for ethical business practices set forth in “Global Compact”, the United Nations Policy Platform (see Annex 1).
  2. You are expected to have a strong policy for the highest health and safety standards towards your employees and those of your business partners through the products you receive or deliver to them.
  3. You are expected to ensure that your components, products and services comply with the applicable laws, regulations and directives in the countries where goods are manufactured and transported, shipped to and where the product delivered to the OEM is sold.
  4. You are expected to adopt preventive policies which favour the environment i.e. by fostering initiatives which promote greater environmental responsibility and the development and dissemination of environmentally-friendly technologies.
We value your efforts and we continue looking forward to doing business with you.

Supplier Code of Ethics

Suppliers undertake to observe the principles set forth in “Global Compact”, the United Nations Policy Platform, which is implemented by doing the following:
  • Promotion and respect for the protection of human rights as declared internationally therefore not conspiring in any way to breach them, either directly or indirectly, through the Suppliers' supply chain and their contractors.
  • No discrimination whatsoever and express rejection thereof in contracting practices and labour as well as when accessing training, promotion and incentives.
  • The existence of clear directives on established working hours, occupational health and safety and the remuneration of workers in accordance with a policy of preventing forced or coerced labour made public amongst the various interested parties.
  • The existence of a policy and clear directives on the prohibition of child labour (for normal work under the age of 15 when permitted by national legislation, or 18 in the case of hazardous work), with open communication and periodic controls to ensure that child labour is not used.
  • Recognition and respect for the right of workers to freely associate, organise and collectively bargain in accordance with the legislation of the country in which they work and basic agreements of the International Labour Organisation.
  • Respect for, and compliance with, the standards of ethical and moral conduct thus relinquishing all forms of corruptive practices including extortion, fraud and bribery.
  • Assessment of the social, ethical, labour and environmental impacts of products, services and commercial operations and the adoption of suitable measures in accordance with the legislation of the country in which Suppliers operate.
In the contract, Suppliers are required to comply with social, labour, environmental and ethical standards whilst verifying that Suppliers and subcontractors have specific policies which prohibit child labour and forced or coerced work.



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Sprache:  EN
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