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Redação Bonde com N.Com - 29/03/2016

Multinational settles in Londrina and plans to sell $ 100 million per year

German industry Wittur officially inaugurated, on Tuesday (29) in Londrina, its second plant in Latin America. The investment of the new plant is approximately R $ 30 million and the board expects to achieve the target of R $ 100 million in annual sales already at the end of this year. Wittur supplies components for elevators.

German industry Wittur officially inaugurated, on Tuesday (29) in Londrina, its second plant in Latin America. The investment of the new plant is approximately R $ 30 million and the board expects to achieve the target of R $ 100 million in annual sales already at the end of this year. Wittur supplies components for elevators.
The Wittur production facility in Londrina was built in a 24,000 square meters area, located in the north and has started testing production at the beginning of February, until early May. On site, there are approximately 11,000 square meters of covered area, with a total workforce of 92 employees. The forecast of the company is that by the end of the year Londrina will have 120 employees. In 2017, this number will rise to 130. The other multinational plant in Latin America is in Buenos Aires.
"The focus of the new plant is the Brazilian market for elevators, which is the largest in Latin America, because the sum of all Latin American markets, including Mexico, is equal to the number of new elevators in Brazil," says the general director of Wittur in Latin America, Andreas Witte.
Wittur plans to expand the plant to over 2,500 square meters over the next two years. The investment was about R $ 30 million and it is expected that at the end of 2016, annual sales will be around R $ 100 million.
According to the Operation Director of Wittur in Latin America, Eduardo Winckler, proximity to its main partner, which currently gets 60% of what is produced by the plant, was key in the location decision in Londrina.   "We chose Londrina due to logistical and operational advantages, since we already had a plant in Cambridge, with trained and qualified professionals and not so expensive to manage as in São Paulo. We are next to our biggest partner . Moreover, we have easy access to the Port of Paranaguá, which is where most product arrive or are shipped, "he explains.
Wittur is located in Eugenie Street Safra of the Rosary, 3000, north of Londrina (at the end of Saul Elkind, direction Ibiporã).


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