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Lift Report 6/2023

Wittur unveils ElevatorSense®: the digital companion for field operations

Doors are probably the most exposed elevator component: 70% of elevator callbacks are due to doors.

Frequency of opening and closing cycles, people flow in and out of the elevator cabin, contact with public and possible acts of vandalism expose doors to high levels of wear and tear.

On top of a robust door design, the quality of initial door installation and a proper service done at adequate intervals are critical elements to ensure smooth doors operation and avoid frequent callbacks, which are very expensive for the installation company.

With this in mind, Wittur has drawn upon its more than 50-years’ experience of elevator door design to develop ElevatorSense®, a smart hardware-software platform that supports field technicians during installation and service of Wittur doors to achieve the best possible performance. 

Read the full article from the link below.


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