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Elevatori 6/2019, From "How it works 5", Giuseppe Volpe Editore, 2019

The five levels of modernization

Carlo Ferrari

Keeping the installed lift base in perfect working order is the main occupation of many lift companies, in Europe and increasingly globally. According to the latest data published in 2019 by the European Elevator Association, over 6 million 150 thousand lifts are installed in Europe, many of them with more than fifteen years of service. 
The modernisation activities of these lifts generated a turnover of more than €1,629 billion in 2018. 
For a better orientation within this important market, I propose a classification of the main activities of lift modernization in five levels, meeting different needs.

Carlo Ferrari

Keeping the installed lift base in perfect working order is the main occupation of many lift companies, in Europe and increasingly globally. According to the latest data published in 2019 by the European Elevator Association, over 6 million 150 thousand lifts are installed in Europe, many of them with more than fifteen years of service. 
The modernisation activities of these lifts generated a turnover of more than €1,629 billion in 2018. 
For a better orientation within this important market, I propose a classification of the main activities of lift modernization in five levels, meeting different needs.


Bunun yalnızca mevcut tüm belgelerin bir seçimi olduğunu lütfen unutmayın. Tüm belgelere HİZMETLER > DOKÜMAN ARA VE & İNDİR sayfasından ve tüm sertifikalara HİZMETLER> SERTİFİKALAR ARA sayfasından erişebilirsiniz.

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