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Elevatori 2/2012

Wittur Group New CEO

Dr Eng. Walter Rohregger has been appointed Managing Director of Wittur Holding GmbH with effect from January 1, 2012 and Chief Executive Officer of the Wittur Group as of February 1, 2012.

Dr Eng. Walter Rohregger has been appointed Managing Director of Wittur Holding GmbH with effect from January 1, 2012 and Chief Executive Officer of the Wittur Group as of February 1, 2012.


Bunun yalnızca mevcut tüm belgelerin bir seçimi olduğunu lütfen unutmayın. Tüm belgelere HİZMETLER > DOKÜMAN ARA VE & İNDİR sayfasından ve tüm sertifikalara HİZMETLER> SERTİFİKALAR ARA sayfasından erişebilirsiniz.

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