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EW America Latina - May/June 2022

Wittur Group published the first Sustainability Report

Author: Carlo Ferrari - Corporate Marketing Communication Manager

The Wittur Group recently announced the publication of its first sustainability report, highlighting Wittur’s sustainability strategy and its commitment to sustainable growth, social responsibility and attention to environmental challenges.

Author: Carlo Ferrari - Corporate Marketing Communication Manager

The Wittur Group recently announced the publication of its first sustainability report, highlighting Wittur’s sustainability strategy and its commitment to sustainable growth, social responsibility and attention to environmental challenges.

Wittur’s sustainability roadmap was launched in 2020 and is driven by the Executive Management team.
It establishes a clear framework for action on strategic priorities that capture Wittur’s most important sustainability challenges and opportunities. 

Wittur Group Chief Executive Officer Tom Stephenson points out that :
Wittur’s commitment to sustainability is pivotal to the long-term success of our company.
We are developing ESG strategies that aim to improve the impact of our global operations and make a tangible contribution to shape a better world for future generations. We are seeking to create long-term value for our customers, suppliers, employees, families and communities

To read the complete article please click here.



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