Wittur Sp. z o.o.
ul. Daniszewska 2
03-230 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 853 89 50
Fax: + 48 22 853 89 51
e-mail: info.pl@wittur.com
General Manager WEA: Robert Wójcik
e-mail: robert.wojcik@wittur.com
Regional office: ul. Daniszewska 2, 03-230 Warszawa, Poland
Phone: +48 22 853 89 50 Fax +48 22 853 89 51
Sales Department - Dział Sprzedaży
Sales office: ul. Daniszewska 2, 03-230 Warszawa, Poland
Phone: +48 22 853 89 50 Fax +48 22 853 89 51
Country Sales Manager WEA: Jaroslaw Oswald
Mobile: + 48 600 935 900
e-mail: jaroslaw.oswald@wittur.com
Area Sales Manager – Poland/Reg 1: Łukasz Demczuk
Mobile: + 48 519 318 010
e-mail: lukasz.demczuk@wittur.com
Area Sales Manager – Poland/Reg 2: Wojciech Kinsner
Mobile: + 48 606 299 897
e-mail: wojciech.kinsner@wittur.com
Area Sales Manager – Poland Lithuania, Latvia, Kaliningrad Enclave /Reg 3
Area Sales Manager – Romania, Moldova, Croatia, Slovenia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia /Reg 6: Andrzej Chomiuk
Mobile: + 48 606 825 690
e-mail: andrzej.chomiuk@wittur.com
Area Sales Manager – Slovakia /Reg 4: Miroslav Kubinec
Mobile: (+421) 911 726 084
e-mail: miroslav.kubinec@wittur.com
Area Sales Manager – Hungary/Reg 5: Norbert Racz
Mobile: +36 307 886 805
e-mail: norbert.racz@wittur.com
Please send your purchasing orders to / Zamówienia prosimy kierować poprzez:
e-mail: orders.wea@wittur.com
Tel. +48 22 853 89 50
Wittur Sp. z o.o. - Warehouse address:
ul. Daniszewska 2
03-230 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 853 89 50 Fax: + 48 22 853 89 51
Customer Service - Dział Wsparcia Klienta
Wsparcie posprzedażowe i techniczne / After Sales & Technical Support
e-mail: customerservice.pl@wittur.com
Please send your claim on form (to be downloaded from www.wittur.com , Download area) /
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